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SDK e CLI ufficiali di QFieldCloud

qfieldcloud-sdk è il client ufficiale per connettersi all' API di QFieldCloud sia come modulo Python che direttamente tramite linea di comando.


qfieldcloud-sdk richiede Python >=3.6


pip install qfieldcloud-sdk

Uso del modulo

import requests
from qfieldcloud_sdk import sdk

client = sdk.Client(
client.login(username='me', password='mysecret')

    projects = client.list_projects()
except requests.exceptions.RequestException:

Uso della CLI

Il tool CLI ufficiale di QFieldCloud


qfieldcloud-cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


# logs in user "user" with password "pass"
qfieldcloud-cli login user pass

# gets the projects of user "user" with password "pass" at "https://localhost/api/v1/"
qfieldcloud-cli -u user -p pass -U https://localhost/api/v1/ list-projects

# gets the projects of user authenticated with token `QFIELDCLOUD_TOKEN` at "https://localhost/api/v1/" as JSON
export QFIELDCLOUD_URL=https://localhost/api/v1/
export QFIELDCLOUD_TOKEN=017478ee2464440cb8d3e98080df5e5a
qfieldcloud-cli --json list-projects


Alcuni comandi permettono di definire un filtro sui risultati basato sul nome del file con l'opzione --filter (es. il comando download-files).

I filtri supportano wildcard in stile Unix shell. I caratteri speciali usati nelle wildcard in stile Unix shell sono:

Pattern Significato
* corrisponde a qualsiasi cosa
? corrisponde a un singolo carattere
[seq] Corrisponde a qualsiasi carattere di seq
[!seq] Corrisponde a qualsiasi carattere non presente in seq

Per una corrispondenza letterale, racchiudi il meta-carattere tra parentesi quadre. Per esempio, '[?]' corrisponde al carattere '?'.


  • qfieldcloud-cli --filter 'DCIM/*.jpg'
  • qfieldcloud-cli --filter 'attachments/documentation-??.pdf'

Panoramica delle opzioni globali

-U, --url TEXT                  URL to the QFieldCloud API endpoint. If not
                                passed, gets the value from QFIELDCLOUD_URL
                                environment variable. Default:
-u, --username TEXT             Username or email.
-p, --password TEXT
-t, --token TEXT                Session token.
--json / --human                Output the result as newline formatted json. Default: False
--verify-ssl / --no-verify-ssl  Verify SSL. Default: True
--help                          Show this message and exit.

Variabili di ambiente possono essere usate invece di passare alcune delle opzioni globali più comuni.

  • QFIELDCLOUD_API - QFieldCloud API endpoint URL
  • QFIELDCLOUD_USERNAME - QFieldCloud username o email. Richiede che QFIELDCLOUD_PASSWORD sia definito.
  • QFIELDCLOUD_PASSWORD - Password. Richiede che QFIELDCLOUD_USERNAME sia definito.
  • QFIELDCLOUD_TOKEN - Token che può essere usato al posto di passare username e password. Può essere ottenuto eseguendo qfieldcloud-cli login.
  • QFIELDCLOUD_VERIFY_SSL - Se impostato a 0 ha lo stesso effetto di passare --no-verify-ssl.

Panoramica dei comandi

  login             Login to QFieldCloud.
  logout            Logout and expire the token.
  list-projects     List QFieldCloud projects.
  list-files        List QFieldCloud project files.
  create-project    Creates a new empty QFieldCloud project.
  delete-project    Deletes a QFieldCloud project.
  upload-files      Upload files to a QFieldCloud project.
  download-files    Download QFieldCloud project files.
  delete-files      Delete QFieldCloud project files.
  list-jobs         List project jobs.
  job-trigger       Triggers a new job.
  job-status        Get job status.
  package-latest    Check project packaging status.
  package-download  Download packaged QFieldCloud project files.


Login in QFieldCloud.

qfieldcloud-cli login [OPTIONS] USERNAME PASSWORD


Logout da QFieldCloud.

qfieldcloud-cli logout


Elenca i progetti QFieldCloud.

qfieldcloud-cli list-projects [OPTIONS]

  --include-public / --no-public  Includes the public project in the list. Default: False


Elenca i file del progetto QFieldCloud.

qfieldcloud-cli list-files [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID


Crea un nuovo progetto QFieldCloud vuoto

qfieldcloud-cli create-project [OPTIONS] NAME

  --owner TEXT                Owner of the project. If omitted, the current
                              user is the owner.
  --description TEXT          Description of the project.
  --is-public / --is-private  Mark the project as public.


Cancella un progetto QFieldCloud.

qfieldcloud-cli delete-project [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID


Carica file in un progetto QFieldCloud.

qfieldcloud-cli upload-files [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID PROJECT_PATH

  --filter TEXT                   Do not upload the whole project, but only
                                  the files which match the glob.
  --throw-on-error / --no-throw-on-error
                                  If any project file upload fails stop
                                  uploading the rest. Default: False


Scarica i file del progetto QFieldCloud.

qfieldcloud-cli download-files [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID LOCAL_DIR

  --filter TEXT                   Do not download the whole project, but only
                                  the files which match the glob.
  --throw-on-error / --no-throw-on-error
                                  If any project file downloads fails stop
                                  downloading the rest. Default: False
                                 Download file even if it already exists locally.
                                  Default: False


Cancella file di un progetto QFieldCloud.

qfieldcloud-cli delete-files [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID PATHS...

  --throw-on-error / --no-throw-on-error
                                  If any project file delete operations fails
                                  stop, stop deleting the rest. Default: False


Elenca i lavori del progetto.

qfieldcloud-cli list-jobs [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID

  --type JOBTYPES  Job type. One of package, delta_apply or


Avvia un lavoro.

qfieldcloud-cli job-trigger [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID JOB_TYPE

  --force / --no-force  Should force creating a new job. Default: False


Ottieni lo stato del lavoro.

qfieldcloud-cli job-status [OPTIONS] JOB_ID


Verifica lo stato del packaging del progetto.

qfieldcloud-cli package-latest [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID


Scarica il pacchetto con i file del progetto QFieldCloud.

qfieldcloud-cli package-download [OPTIONS] PROJECT_ID LOCAL_DIR

  --filter TEXT                   Do not download the whole packaged project,
                                  but only the files which match the glob.
  --throw-on-error / --no-throw-on-error
                                  If any packaged file downloads fails stop
                                  downloading the rest. Default: False
                                 Download file even if it already exists locally.
                                  Default: False