
定位 (GNSS)

QField可以使用内置的GNSS (全球导航卫星系统,如GPS、格洛纳斯、伽利略或北斗)。QField还可以通过 NMEA streams over Bluetooth、TCP 或 UDP connection 连接到外部天线。








测量 (M) 值


默认情况下,该值将表示捕获位置的时间戳 (从Unix时间戳开始的毫秒数)。您可以使用设置的定位选项卡中的组合框更改此值。



可以定义所需最小测量精度。品质将报告为三个等级,即差 (红色)、良 (黄色) 和优 (绿色)。这些颜色显示在GNSS按钮顶部的一个点。


如果 启用精度限制模式 设置为激活状态,您将无法在坐标光标锁定到当前位置且精度值较差 (红色) 的情况下采集新的测量值。





垂直网格偏移文件必须将其放入QField应用程序文件夹 <drive>:/Android/data/ch.opengis.qfield/files/QField/proj ,供QField使用。

一旦把网格偏移文件放到此处,将在QField中的 使用中的垂直网格偏移 下的 定位设置 可用。

如果您正在使用海拔校正,并且使用了外部定位设备,请考虑关闭 使用设备的垂直海拔


  • GeoTIFF (.tif, .tiff)
  • NOAA Vertical Datum (.gtx)
  • NTv2 Datum Grid Shift (.gsb)
  • Natural Resources Canada's Geoid (.byn)

For example: For the transformation from ETRS89 (reference ellipsoid GPS) to NAP (Dutch) users can download the file nlgeo2018.gtx from NSGI and put it in the directory.

To obtain precise altitude data for Cadastral Surveying in Switzerland, users can access the file correction of the vertical grid shift through Geoid OGD from Swisstopo. Following the download, users are advised to perform a conversion of the file labeled chgeo04_htrans_lv95.agr to chgeo04_htrans_lv95.gtx. The QGIS processing algorithm gdal:translate (convert format) can be used for that.



短按 GNSS按钮 打开GNSS,并在 定位信息 可用后将当前位置在屏幕居中显示。

激活 编辑模式 并按下目标按钮,中心的十字表示它正在使用GNSS定位。

长按 GNSS按钮 将显示 定位菜单

定位菜单 中,您可以打开 显示定位信息 ,显示重新投影到工程CRS的当前坐标以及精度信息。


如果您在工程CRS中看到 WGS 84 纬度/经度信息而不是就得信息,那么您可能设备没有信号。



QField支持经由NMEA数据流通过蓝牙、TCP 或 UDP connections 连接到外部GNSS定位设备。

设置 > 定位 中,您可以找到一组用于添加、编辑或删除外部设备的按钮,以及一个用于在内部和保存的外部GNSS设备之间切换的下拉列表。


Android iOS Windows Linux MacOS
蓝牙 *
  • (*) Windows的蓝牙支持通过操作系统连接到GNSS设备时自动创建的虚拟串行端口来实现。 *

The NMEA sentences currently supported are GGA, RMC, GSA, GSV, GST, VTG, HDG and HDT.




设置 > 定位 中,如果您选择了外部接收器作为定位设备,会发现一个开关 将日志NMEA语句从设备保存到文件 。如果此项被激活,所有来自外部定位设备的NMEA语句都将被记录到一个文件中。

日志将存放在 Android/data/ch.opengis.qfield/files/QField/logs





可以通过不同的安卓应用程序向QField提供模拟位置。在此有几个选项,其中之一是 Android NTRIP 客户端

要使用此功能,您必须 在安卓设备上启用模拟位置




必须通过 锁定到位置按钮 将坐标光标锁定到当前位置




可在QField设置的 定位 面板中找到激活平均位置最小计数阈值的设置。激活时,不需要按住添加顶点按钮,短按按钮开始收集位置,并在满足最小计数要求时自动添加平均位置。

在平均位置上使用 @gnss_*@position_ variables 时,该变量还将表示所有收集样本的平均值。





These variables are commonly used as part of default values expressions for fields to keep track of the quality of individual measured points.

所有 @position_* 变量都有一个对应的 @gnss_* 变量。gnss变量始终报告gnss传感器值,即使没有捕捉到十字光标。

  • @position_source_name - The name of the device that gave location information as reported by the sensor. To differenciate between internal and external sensor. If the position is manually set, and the position is not snapped to the cursor, the source name is "manual". In case the cursor is not snapped to the position, all other variables will be null, if you need this, use the gnss_ variables instead.
  • @position_quality_description - A human readable and translated string for the quality as reported by the sensor. E.g. "Fixed RTK". It is only available when the crosshair is snapped to the sensor. - IE
  • @position_coordinate - A point with the coordinate in WGS84. Lon, Lat, Altitude as delivered by the sensor. It is only available when the crosshair is snapped to the sensor. - x(@position_coordinate) - IE
  • @position_horizontal_accuracy - The horizontal accuracy of the coordinate (in meters) as reported by the sensor. It is only available when the crosshair is snapped to the sensor. - IE
  • @position_timestamp - The timestamp of the position in UTC as reported by the sensor. It is only available when the crosshair is snapped to the sensor. - IE
  • @position_direction - The direction of movement in degrees from true north as reported by the sensor. It is only available when the crosshair is snapped to the sensor. - IE
  • @position_orientation - Orientation of the device itself, regardless of its movement. It changes as the device is rotated relative to true north (from 0° to 359°).
  • @position_ground_speed - Groundspeed (in m/s) as reported by the sensor. It is only available when the crosshair is snapped to the sensor. - IE
  • @position_magnetic_variation - The angle between the horizontal component of the magnetic field and true north, in degrees as reported by the sensor. Also known as magnetic declination. A positive value indicates a clockwise direction from true north and a negative value indicates a counter-clockwise direction. It is only available when the crosshair is snapped to the sensor. - IE
  • @position_vertical_accuracy - The vertical accuracy of the coordinate (in meters) as reported by the sensor. It is only available when the crosshair is snapped to the sensor. - IE
  • @position_3d_accuracy - The 3 dimensional accuracy of the coordinate (in meters), 3D-RMS as reported by the sensor. It is only available when the crosshair is snapped to the sensor. - IE
  • @position_vertical_speed - The vertical speed (in m/s) as reported by the sensor. It is only available when the crosshair is snapped to the sensor. - IE
  • @position_averaged_count - This variable holds the number of collected positions from which an averaged position was calculated when digitizing in this mode. For non-averaged positions, the value will be set to 0 (zero). - IE
  • @position_pdop - Position dilution of precision as reported by the sensor. It is only available when the crosshair is snapped to the sensor. - E
  • @position_hdop - Horizontal dilution of precision as reported by the sensor. It is only available when the crosshair is snapped to the sensor. - E
  • @position_vdop - Vertical dilution of precision as reported by the sensor. It is only available when the crosshair is snapped to the sensor. - E
  • @position_number_of_used_satellites - Number of satellites as reported by the sensor. It is only available when the crosshair is snapped to the sensor. - IE
  • @position_used_satellites - A list of satellites in use (pri) as reported by the sensor. It is only available when the crosshair is snapped to the sensor. - array_to_string(array_foreach(@position_used_satellites, @element), ', ') - E
  • @position_fix_status_description - The GPS Fix Status "NoData", "NoFix", "Fix2D" or "Fix3D" as reported by the sensor. It is only available when the crosshair is snapped to the sensor. - E
  • @position_fix_mode - Fix mode (where "M" = Manual, forced to operate in 2D or 3D or "A" = Automatic, 3D/2D) as reported by the sensor. It is only available when the crosshair is snapped to the sensor. - E


  • I: 内部位置源E: 外部 (NMEA) 位置源。
  • 包含 satellites 的变量在iOS不可用。
  • when the crosshair is snapped to the sensor - @gnss_horizontal_accuracy > The horizontal accuracy of the coordinate (in meters) as reported by the sensor. - @position_horizontal_accuracy > The horizontal accuracy of the coordinate (in meters) as reported by the sensor. - @position_source_name --> sensor name.
  • when the crosshair is manually moved - @gnss_horizontal_accuracy > The horizontal accuracy of the coordinate (in meters) as reported by the sensor. - @position_horizontal_accuracy > The value is NULL. - @position_source_name > The value is manual.

Information for GNSS Z value with Vertical grid shift in use: - Antenna height compensation=False

Vertical Grid Shift in use point Z Value z(geometry) GNSS Device z(@position_coordinate) QField Display QField Label
None Z ellipsoidal device value Z ellipsoidal device value Z ellipsoidal device value Altitude: xxx.xxxx m
Orthometric from device Z orthometric device value Z orthometric device value Z orthometric device value Altitude: xxx.xxxx m (ortho.)
vertical grid shift
Z shiftgrid value Z ellipsoidal device value Z shiftgrid value Altitude: xxx.xxxx m (grid)



然后,您应该分配角色 数字化记录器 给点图层。

转到 QFieldSync > 工程属性
