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Map styling

All style settings from QGIS are directly supported by QField. This includes all renderer types like graduated, categorized, rule based, 2.5D as well as data defined symbology.

Afișare Expresie

Desktop preparation

In QField, objects are identified with a name. The expression to generate this name can be defined by opening the attribute table in QGIS and switching to the form view. Choose the appropriate field or an expression in the list there. Starting from QGIS 3, this can be done directly from the Vector Layer Properties > Display page.

Expresia de afișare este, de asemenea, utilizată pentru căutarea în straturi.

The display expression will be used to represent features with an
identification string throughout QField.
The display expression will be used to represent features with an identification string throughout QField.

Straturi nemodificabile, neidentificabile și căutabile

Desktop preparation

Some layers in a project are just there for pure visual purpose. Such layers should not show up when a user taps somewhere to identify objects.

Some other layers serve as source of information and shouldn't be modified by the user. It is possible to protect layers from editing attributes or adding and deleting features.

De asemenea, este posibil să configurați straturile căutabile.

To configure identify, readonly and searchable behavior, go to the Project > Properties > Data Sources page and activate the checkboxes to match your desired behavior.

Configuration of layers that will not be identifiable, not modifiable
and/or not searchable.
Configuration of layers that will not be identifiable, not modifiable and/or not searchable.

Using additional fonts

Desktop preparation

QField enables you to use all the custom fonts you might want and need.

There are two different possibilities to register additional fonts:

  1. By adding fonts (.ttf or .otf) on the device in the folder <drive>:/Android/data/ch.opengis.qfield/files/QField/fonts those will be made accessible to all projects and individual datasets.
  2. By adding fonts (.ttf or .otf) in a fonts subfolder of the folder containing a given project file (.qgs or .qgz); those fonts will only be accessible when viewing that project.

Simboluri SVG personalizate

Desktop preparation

It is possible to embed SVG symbols directly within a QGIS projects.

  1. Choose the layer which will support SVG symbology and open its properties dialog.
  2. Open the section Symbology in Properties > Symbology
  3. In the Symbol Layer Panel choose Simple marker.
  4. Change the Symbol layer type in Symbol layer type > SVG marker.
  5. Scroll down the bottom panel.
  6. Click on the right side of the file selection button to open the drop down menu.
  7. Select Embed File and choose the SVG file in the file selection dialog.
  8. Aplicați modificările, apoi efectuați clic pe OK.