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QFieldCloud provides a fine grained access control over projects with the concepts of project collaborators, organization members and organization teams.


  1. Unregistered user.
  2. Simple registered user, neither collaborator of the concerned project nor member of the concerned organization nor the concerned user.
  3. Project owner of the concerned project, the concerned user, but not collaborator nor organization member.
  4. Project collaborator role admin of the concerned project.
  5. Project collaborator role manager of the concerned project.
  6. Project collaborator role editor of the concerned project.
  7. Project collaborator role reporter of the concerned project.
  8. Project collaborator role reader of the concerned project.
  9. Organization owner of the concerned organization or the organization that owns the concerned project or to which belongs the user.
  10. Organization member role admin of the concerned organization or the organization that owns the concerned project or to which belongs the user.
  11. Organization member role member of the concerned organization or the organization that owns the concerned project or to which belongs the user.


  • ❌ Not allowed
  • ✅ Allowed
  • Irrelevant
Action 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
List/query project's collaborator roles
Create project's collaborator (i.e. define new collaborator)
Update project's collaborator's info (i.e. role)
Delete project's collaborator (i.e. remove user as collaborator)
List organization's members
Create organization's member (i.e. define a new member)
Get organization's member info (i.e. role)
Update organization's member info (i.e. role)
Delete organization's member info (i.e. remove user as organization's member)
List/query public projects
List/query private projects
Update project's info
Create a project
Delete project
Add deltafile
List project's deltafiles
Get deltafile's status
List project's files (qfieldsync)
Download project's files (qfieldsync)
Upload project's files (qfieldsync)
Delete project's files (qfieldsync)
List project's files (qfield)
Download project's files (qfield)
List users and organizations
Get user's public informations
Get user's detailed informations
Update user's informations
Delete user
Get API status
Add and remove secrets


Collaborateur du projet

A collaborator of a normal user project can only be reporter or reader. Editor or manager can only be set to an organization's project.


Un rôle plus haut inclut toujours les rôles plus bas

Nom Description
administrateur Peut renommer ou supprimer le projet. Mêmes droits que le propriétaire du projet à l'exception de la possibilité de transfert de propriété.
superviseur Peut ajouter ou retirer des collaborateurs
éditeur Peut modifier les données
correspondant Peut seulement ajouter des données (pas les modifier ni les supprimer)
lecteur Peut lire les données

Membre de l'organisation


Un rôle plus haut inclut toujours les rôles plus bas

Nom Description
administrateur Peut ajouter ou supprimer des membres et créer des projets
membre (la différence avec un autre utilisateur concerne uniquement la facturation)