实地与PC的要求不同。 首先,当使用手机或平板电脑时,可供使用的画布比电脑显示器要有限得多。 其次,用于数据收集的设备以及需要执行的单个任务大不相同。
QField旨在帮助用户在简洁用户界面的情况下进行实地工作。 换句话说,只有任务的相关部分可以在界面上访问,而不太重要的部分则隐而不见。
由于QField是QGIS桌面应用程序的移动端优化版本,您的工程在QGIS和QField中的显示和感觉都是相同的。 QField与桌面QGIS使用的渲染引擎相同,这确保工程在两种环境中看起来几乎一样。
Configurations options prepared in QGIS beforehand don't need to be recreated, which is why QField uses the same edit widgets as QGIS desktop does. As a result, projects configured on the desktop should work seamlessly on the mobile app.
These principles have so far informed our development and design of QField, and will continue to do so in the future. In the last few years, QField proved to be the fieldworker's best friend and continues to evolve with new features handling an even broader range of needs.
QField is built around different modes, similar to the map tools in the QGIS desktop version. The mode defines the nature of the task. In QField, users are either browsing through data or digitizing new stuff.