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Plans and Additional Storage

Adding billing information to the account is needed to use QFieldCloud Pro plan or Organization plan as well as adding additional storage.

Choosing a plan

Pour un Pro plan, suivre ces étapes :

  1. Cliquer sur le nom d'utilisateur en-haut à droite de la page
  2. Cliquer sur "Upgrade to pro"
  3. Dans la partie "Subscription", cliquer sur "Upgrade"
  4. Dans la section Pro, cliquer sur "Activate"
  5. Lire attentivement les "Terms of Service" et donner son accord pour les termes de service, puis "Proceed"
  6. Dans la partie "Billing Address", remplir le formulaire, puis cliquer sur "Proceed to payment"

Pour un Organization plan, suivre ces étapes :

  1. Cliquer sur le nom d'utilisateur en-haut à droite de la page
  2. Cliquer sur "Create organization"
  3. Click on "Create"
  4. Choose a name for your organization with only 150 characters or fewer, letters, digits, and @/./+/-/_
  5. Click on "Create"
  6. Choose how much storage is needed
  7. Carefully read the "Terms of Service"and agree to the terms of service, then "Proceed"
  8. Dans la partie "Billing Address", remplir le formulaire, puis cliquer sur "Proceed to payment"

If the billing information is incomplete, at any time it is possible to finish filling up the form by going to Billing > Subscription > Finish checkout

All pricing information is available on the Pricing page.

Adding QFieldCloud storage

QFieldCloud allows you to configure as much storage as you need for your project.

To add more storage to QFieldCloud Settings > Billing > Subscription > Change > Update storage

 Subscription “Change”
Subscription “Change”

 “Update storage”
“Update storage”

 “Espace supplémentaire”
“Espace supplémentaire”

Discontinuing a subscription

  1. If you need to cancel your subscription on QFieldCloud: 1.1. For Pro plan accounts, click on your username, choose "Settings." 1.2. For Organization plan account, click on the name of your Organization, click on "Edit Organization". Note you need to be owner of that Organization.

    Enter to setting

  2. Proceed to the "Billing" section, click on "Change".

    Enter to billing section

  3. Select "Cancel Subscription".

    Cancel subscription

  4. Confirm the cancellation in the subsequent pop-up window.

    Confirm Cancel subscription

  5. A Nyuki message will then appear, indicating that the subscription will conclude at the end of the current billing period.

    Cancellation message